Updates on Feb 14, 1:30pm
The province annouced it is easing more public health measures on February 17 at 12:01am.
We are currently reviewing how the annoucement impacts our programs and services we deliver. Please be patient and more information will be shared at a later time.
Effective February 17, 2022
Ontario will further ease public health measures, including, but not limited to:
Capacity limits in other indoor public settings, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, retail and shopping malls, will be maintained at, or increased to, the number of people who can maintain two metres physical distance.
Please refer to O. Reg. 364/20 Rules for Areas at Step 3 at the Roadmap Exit Step for the complete list of measures and conditions that apply to certain businesses, organizations, places and individuals.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 905-9403688.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@markhamwesley.com or 905-940-3688.
Sincerely,MWC Team
請參閱 O. Reg。 364/20 重啟路線的第三步的區域守則,適用於某些企業、組織、地方和個人的措施和條件的完整列表。
如有任何疑問,請致電 905-9403688,電郵 info@markhamwesley.com 或 905-940-3688 與我們聯繫。謝謝!
Updates on January 20, 11:30pm
The Ontario government annouced three-step plan to gradually lift COVID-19 restrictions.
No earlier than Jan 31, 2022
No earlier than Feb 21, 2022
No earlier than Mar 14, 2022
Please refer to O. Reg. 263/20 Rules for Areas in Step 2 for the complete list of measures and conditions that apply to certain businesses, organizations, places and individuals.
Sincerely, MWC Team
安省政府宣布了逐步取消 COVID-19 限制的三步計劃
從2 月 21 日凌晨零時01分開始
從3 月 14 日凌晨零時01分開始
請參閱 O. Reg。 263/20 重啟路線的第二步的區域守則,適用於某些企業、組織、地方和個人的措施和條件的完整列表。
Updates on January 3, 2:30pm
The Ontario government announced temporarily moving into Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen with modifications that take into account the province’s successful vaccination efforts.
As of January 5, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. the following measures will be in place for at least 21 days (until January 27) subject to trends in public health and our health system.
Social gatherings are permitted under the following conditions:
Sports and recreational fitness activities
Indoor areas of facilities used for sports and recreational fitness activities, including gyms, sporting events and personal training must operate under the following conditions:
Recreational amenities must operate under the following conditions:
Businesses that provide in-person teaching or instruction (such as cooking classes, music classes) must operate under the following conditions:
Meeting and event spaces, including conference centres and convention centres must operate under the following conditions:
安省政府宣佈,暫時進入重啟路線的第二步,並考慮到省府成功的疫苗接種工作進度作出了修改。 自 2022 年 1 月 5 日凌晨 12:01 起,根據公共衛生和醫療系統的趨勢,以下措施將實施至少 21 天(至 1 月 27 日)。
Updates on Dec 17, 6:00 pm.
The Ontario government announced increased measures to protect against the Omicron variant.
On December 17, the Provincial Government has announced increased measure to protect against the Omicron variant. Effective Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 12:01am, the following public health measures will apply:
省府於12月17日宣佈由於面對Omicron變種病毒的威脅,自 2021年12月18日凌晨12:01 起生效,加強疫情應對措施:
如有任何疑問,請電郵致info@markhamwesley.com 或致電905-940-3688與我們聯繫。謝謝!
Updates on July 30, 12:00 noon.
The City of Markham is in Step 3 of the provincial roadmap to reopen plan. Step 3 permits outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 100 people with some exceptions, and indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people. Patrons are reminded that all public health measures remain in effect, which means you should continue to maintain a minimum two-metre or six-feet distance (except people from your same household) and wear face covering when physical distancing cannot be maintained.Currently centre has modified business hours from Monday to Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm, with extended hours for facility rentals and particular in-person programs/classes.We do not require patrons to provide proof of vaccination to gain access to our facility, but all patrons and visitors must sign-in and provide contact tracing information when entering the facility. We will continue to follow direction from the Province of Ontario and York Region Public Health. For more information on York Region’s COVID-19 Vaccine program, please visit York Region's COVID-19 Vaccination page. For more information about Step 3, please review the Ontario Government's news release.We thank you for your patience and continued support. Looking forward to serving you in-person again. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at info@markhamwesley.com or 905-940-3688.Sincerely, MWC Team
萬錦市處於安省重啟計劃的第3階段。第3階段允許最多100人的戶外社交聚會和公開組織活動(有一些例外),以及最多25人的室內社交聚會和公開組織活動。提醒各位,所有公共衛生措施仍然生效,這意味著您應繼續保持至少兩米或六英尺的距離(來自同一家庭住所的人除外),並在無法保持身體距離時戴上口罩。目前,中心已將營業時間更改為周一至週五上午10:00至下午3:00,並延長了設施租賃和特定面對面活動/課程的時間。我們不需要顧客提供疫苗接種證明才能進入我們的設施,但所有顧客和訪客在進入設施時都必須登記並提供接觸者追踪資料。我們將繼續遵循安大略省和約克區公共衛生部門的指示。有關約克區 COVID-19 疫苗計劃的更多資訊,請訪問約克區的 COVID-19 疫苗接種網頁。有關第3階段的更多資訊,請查看安大略省政府的新聞稿。我們感謝您的耐心和繼續支持。期待再次為您服務。如果您有任何問題,請隨時通過 info@markhamwesley.com 或 905-940-3688 與我們聯繫。謝謝!