Saturday, March 14, 2020
Markham Wesley Centre facility closure in response to COVID-19
Closure effective March 14 at 6 p.m. until further notice
Markham Wesley Centre (MWC) will close effective March 14 at 6 p.m. until further notice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All recreation and interest group programs, drop-ins, services, events and facility rentals are cancelled.
The health and well-being of our community members is our top priority. Although we have been advised that the risk of contracting COVID-19 is low, we are taking preventive measures to protect our community members and reduce the spread of the virus.
Program policy changes and refunds:
MWC’s program has relaxed some policies until further notice to allow participants more flexibility in making the best decision possible for themselves, their family or their organization.
We understand the closures of our center will impact many members, families and facility users, but we believe health and safety of our community takes precedence. We will continue monitoring any updates of the COVID-19 pandemic and adjust our operations according to the recommendations of health authorities.
MWC has implemented the following additional actions to help reduce the spread of COVID-19:
Should you have questions about withdrawals, cancellations or refunds, please contact Markham Wesley Centre at 905-940-3688.
For more information, please visit
萬民衛斯理社區服務中心 - 因應新型冠狀病毒暫時關閉
- 所有受影響之課程參與者,將自動獲得關閉期間之退款,本會將不收取任何罰款。
- 萬民衛斯理社區服務中心將從現在起直至另行通知為所有活動的購票者提供退款。
- 將因應關閉期的影響對所有場地租賃協議進行修訂,包括日期及或費用。
- 中心提供免觸式消毒液及洗手液。
- 增加了中心高接觸區域的清潔和消毒。
- 於中心高流量區域和網上發布有關新型冠狀病毒的信息。
- 對所有使用者和訪客進行強制性自我檢查,以檢查是否有疾病或傳染跡象。